tulip flowers

Founded in 2019

All Plants Considered is an online resource for all things botanical with a mission of reducing plant blindness and cultivating plants into our everyday lives.

Here at All Plants Considered, plants are an obsession. You know how some people are dog or cat people, well in addition to animal people, there are plant people. This is a place for you to grow your obsession. Whether it be for food, beauty, or even oxygen, there’s a plant that can help with that.

Part science, part beauty, part wonder. The world is full of amazing and beautiful things. Plants are just one of the incredible living creatures we share this world with. All Plants Considered is a collection of stories and information about plants that explores plant related topics and people-plant relationships. Our mission is to create content that decreases plant blindness and expands on the importance of plants and their place in our worlds. By incorporating plants into all aspects of our lives, All Plants Considered strives to help share this knowledge and to give a closer look to the plants that surround us.

All plants considered, there are no useless plants.