United States of Plants
In exploration of plants in culture, explore the use of plants on state flags of the United States.
Horseweed (Conyza canadensis)
Box Elder (Acer negundo)
Life Lessons from Plants
Hornbeam Copperleaf (Acalypha ostrifolia)
Texas Bull Nettle (Cnidoscolus texanus)
Eves Necklace (Styphnolobium affine)
Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus)
Pokeweed (Phytolacca americana)
Creeping Cucumber (Melothria pendula)
In exploration of plants in culture, explore the use of plants on state flags of the United States.
Camphorweed (Heterotheca subaxillaris)
Why are plant names so complicated?
Redstem Filaree (Erodium cicutarium)